PhiCube @ IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris

PhiCube @ IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris

#PhiCube has been presented at IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris, within the framework of the PNRR Fit4MedRob #research #project .A big thank you to Giuseppina Sgandurra and her colleagues for hosting a demo session at their laboratories! 



Rehabilia Technologies SRL, a spin-off of the Consiglio Nazionale delle ricerche has officially been established within the STIIMA-CNR institute.This rappresent an important step that encompasses the dreams of three researchers who aim to tackle new challenges in...

Finalist of LBG Innovator’s Road Programme

Finalist of LBG Innovator’s Road Programme

We are proud to announce that we are alumni of the prestigious LBG Innovator's Road Programme!We have so many people to thank for this wonderful opportunity and support.Special thanks toIECT - Hermann HauserNew Venture ScoutingUnicorn - Startup & Innovation...

PRIZE 25K | PhiCube “Special Social Impact 2022”

PRIZE 25K | PhiCube “Special Social Impact 2022”

Participating in Start Cup Lombardia 2022 has been a fantastic adventure for the PhiCube team! The adventure brought new knowledge and a real manager perspective to our company. Finally, all our strengths have been rewarded and our ideas have been understood and...

Finalist Medica 2022

Finalist Medica 2022

Finalist Medica 2022 Rehabilia Technologies has been awarded as one of the Top Medical Start-ups 2022 at #MEDICA 2022, selected among more than 250 submissions from 33 nations!🎗️🎗️🎗️We are extremely grateful for this important recognition!🎉🎉🎉...

Finalist Mit4LifeScience 2022

Finalist Mit4LifeScience 2022

It was a very pleasure for our team to be among the finalists of #MIT4LS StartUp Breeding 2022 at Atlantis Pitching Arena!PhiCube has been awarded by the InnovUp #SUB2022 Special Award.Special thanks to our CEO Matteo Malosio stronger than a rock!...

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